* Enrollment for our signature coaching program is currently closed *

Garden Creator's Roadmap

A 6-week group coaching program to walk step-by-step through 
the roadmap for how to turn your garden plan into your real garden!

Join the Garden Creator's Roadmap to walk through the specific actions needed to:

Develop & document your design

Plan out who needs to do what & when

Get into motion to make it happen.

If you've created a vision for your garden...

...then let's get you ready to create the garden you've envisioned.

Creating a clear, compelling vision of your perfect garden living space is the first big step so that you know you are headed in the right direction- for you!

The next question to answer is:  How do you want to get there?

  • DIY solo:  "I"ll figure it out as I go..."
  • DIY + support: "I want to do it myself, but I would love to have a clear system with resources & guidance along the way!" <-- This is for you!
  • Hire it out:  "I'll just hand my concept over to a design-build contractor or hire a designer and let them figure out the details..."

What's in the Garden Creator's Roadmap program?

It's better than an online course- it's a complete group coaching program!

Here's how the program comes together:

Garden Creator's Roadmap

6-week group coaching program to step through the three sections: Design, Build, & Implement

Pop-up Facebook Group for support, accountability, and community during the program

Lifetime access to the program replays and resources inside the program course on our training portal

Worksheets, templates, and other resources to help you make faster progress at each step along the way.

Regular, live teaching and coaching from Ed to meet you where you are at and help you take the next step.

Interested in joining the program?  Get yourself on the waitlist today!

Garden Creator's Roadmap

A 6-week group coaching program to walk step-by-step through 
the roadmap for how to turn your garden plan into your real garden!

* Click the button below to add your name and email to the program waitlist *

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